
Showing posts from September, 2017

First Time

Hey what's up! This is the first time I write blog post with english language. Yes, at my blog I was wrote with Bahasa, because only Indonesian read my blog and enjoyed it. But, now... as time goes by, I want to study english. I just can a little bit of english. Other than that, I am not get used english in my daily time. So, my vocabulary was just a very very little. Even though, I must can speak english. The first reason is I want to continue study at master degree. Actually anyway, I really really wanted study abroad. Yeah, with scholarsip of course. Although I am study abroad or just in my  country, I must can speak english fluently. Reqiured. Hmm.... By writing this, I hopefully my brain can trained think english, speak english, read english, and all about english. Anyway, I must go to abroad and must can speak english fluently. Other than that, I want blogwalking to blogger-blogger that used English in their language. Yeah, so that my brain trained ...